what we do

what we do


We advocate for and mobilise resources for innovative, rights-based, and sustainable solutions to the world’s toughest health issues—all key activities that contribute to achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC).


We influence and contribute to global agendas, supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, strengthening private sector engagement for UHC, and improving primary care networks and consumer-powered care to strengthen health systems.


We work to bridge equity gaps by advocating and supporting innovative and consumer-powered approaches to reach the vulnerable and underserved, including adolescent girls and youth in fragile contexts.


We actively engage European stakeholders and donors to shift policies and funding for priority and under-resourced topics that contribute to a world in which no one is left behind.

Our Core approaches

Promoting a Rights-Based Approach

In collaboration with PSI network members, PSI-Europe promotes a unique approach to deliver rights-based programmes by using a user-centric approach to deliver measurable impact on human rights agendas. By working with and for rights-bearers—like women and adolescent girls—and duty-holders—like providers, community leaders, and policy-makers—PSI-Europe advocates for and designs rights-based programming that is user-centered, scalable, and delivers measurable impact.

Igniting Innovation at Scale

We marry cutting edge product development, service delivery and marketing to solve the world’s most persistent health problems and strengthen health systems. We develop solutions that engage the people we serve and are designed to last. We are experts at implementing on a grand scale and are known as an organisation that gets things done in difficult places. Through our global network of 40+ local member organisations and a 50+ year track record of developing cutting-edge health solutions, we’ve demonstrated our ability to take proven health interventions to scale.

Fostering Partnerships to Shift Policy and Funding

We use advocacy, strategic coalition building, and movement-building for under-represented and under-resourced themes to shift European stakeholders’ and donors’ policies and funding toward mixed health systems approaches to Universal Health Coverage that put consumers at the centre.

menstrual health

PSI-Europe develops consumer-powered, market-driven, and cross-sectoral approaches to advance the menstrual equity agenda. A growing base of global evidence shows that investing in menstrual health can positively benefit multiple areas across women and girls’ lives, such as health, participation in education and the work force, and empowerment: making menstrual health central to advancing gender equality.

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We believe that there is an opportunity to revolutionize the international community’s response to women and girls’ menstrual health needs, by effectively linking menstrual health to sexual and reproductive health and rights, including period product distribution; water, sanitation, and hygiene; and education programs.

Strengthening Mixed Health Systems

Building on 50+ years’ experience of social marketing, PSI has evolved a new approach to blend a relentless focus on the consumer with evidence-based social behaviour change campaigns—all while building a stronger, resilient, and integrated public and private health system.  

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our Annual reports

2023 annual report
2023 Financial Statements
2023 ANBI form
2022 - 2024 Policy plan  
(incl. remuneration policy)


Latest Updates

Discover what’s happening at PSI-Europe

From Shame to Change: Empowering Local Businesses for Menstrual Health & Dignity (MHD)

By empowering local social enterprises to become champions of menstrual health & dignity, this movement is fostering positive change.

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We don't need another McKinsey report

It is time to stop funding glossy reports and start seizing the opportunities at our doorstep to truly close the women's health gap.

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PSI Joins Equity 2030 Alliance: Paving the Way for Gender Equity in Science, Technology and Financing.

Our steadfast commitment to driving change in underserved women’s health issues through partnerships.

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From Shame to Change: Empowering Local Businesses for Menstrual Health & Dignity (MHD)

By empowering local social enterprises to become champions of menstrual health & dignity, this movement is fostering positive change.

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We don't need another McKinsey report

It is time to stop funding glossy reports and start seizing the opportunities at our doorstep to truly close the women's health gap.

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From Shame to Change: Empowering Local Businesses for Menstrual Health & Dignity (MHD)

By empowering local social enterprises to become champions of menstrual health & dignity, this movement is fostering positive change.

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