PSI-Europe team

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Robert Bal

Director of Finance

Robert Bal is the Director of Finance of PSI-Europe.

He joined PSI-Europe in 2018. Within PSI-Europe, Robert is responsible for Finance, Accounting, Governance, HR and ICT. Robert has a Master in Economics and successfully followed a training for middle and top management in Business and a post graduate course in Children, Youth and Development. Robert has international experience within profit (EY, Randstad, Schreiner Airways) and non-governmental organisations (Right to Play, Amref Flying Doctors, Save the Children) in roles as Director of Finance, Controller, Manager Business Development and Partnerships, Program Manager and Audit Manager. Robert spent over four years living and working in West and East Africa.

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Discover what’s happening at PSI-Europe

From Shame to Change: Empowering Local Businesses for Menstrual Health & Dignity (MHD)

By empowering local social enterprises to become champions of menstrual health & dignity, this movement is fostering positive change.

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We don't need another McKinsey report

It is time to stop funding glossy reports and start seizing the opportunities at our doorstep to truly close the women's health gap.

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PSI Joins Equity 2030 Alliance: Paving the Way for Gender Equity in Science, Technology and Financing.

Our steadfast commitment to driving change in underserved women’s health issues through partnerships.

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From Shame to Change: Empowering Local Businesses for Menstrual Health & Dignity (MHD)

By empowering local social enterprises to become champions of menstrual health & dignity, this movement is fostering positive change.

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We don't need another McKinsey report

It is time to stop funding glossy reports and start seizing the opportunities at our doorstep to truly close the women's health gap.

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From Shame to Change: Empowering Local Businesses for Menstrual Health & Dignity (MHD)

By empowering local social enterprises to become champions of menstrual health & dignity, this movement is fostering positive change.

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